We study what Australians seek on an ongoing basis & the consistent story of the past decade has been the growing demand for business to be a force for good.
Founded in 2006, The Lab is a fiercely independent collective of strategic thinkers.
By combining the powerful forces of human understanding - culture, behaviour and technology - we enable brands to take advantage of our rapidly changing society and stay ahead of change.
Founded in 2006, The Lab is a fiercely independent collective of strategic thinkers.
By combining the powerful forces of human understanding - culture, behaviour and technology - we enable brands to take advantage of our rapidly changing society and stay ahead of change.
We look for the unseen.
We listen for the unheard.
It’s a unique fusion.
Of brilliant people.
Who feed the tech required to
uncover a truth.
And exercise the open-mindedness
to make sense of it.
We look for the unseen.
We listen for the unheard.
It’s a unique fusion.
Of brilliant people.
Who feed the tech required to
uncover a truth.
And exercise the open-mindedness
to make sense of it.
No two opportunities are the same.
We never favour one pre-determined research method.
Instead, we evaluate the 'whats'. What will
take us closest to our challenge? What will
unlock the insight? What will shine a light on
the way forward?
No two opportunities are the same. We never favour one pre-determined method. Instead, we evaluate the “whats”. What will take us closest to our challenge? What will unlock the insight? What will shine a light on the way forward?
We interpret what people tell us through different qualitative methods; Big Qual, Video Diaries, Self-ethnography, Insta-mersions, Chat Bots, Online Communities, Co-creation sessions, Future Consumer, Focus Groups and Depth Interviews.
We reveal what people don't tell us by observing behaviour and tapping into the subconscious; Digital Tracking, Ethnography, Immersions, Neuroscience, Galvanic Skin Response, Eye-tracking, Face-recognition and Implicit response.
We search for unseen patterns and emergent clues given by people, culture and brands; Semiotics, Signals of Change and AI Modelling.
A brilliant, multi-disciplined team
A brilliant, multi-disciplined team
Diversity of expertise and intellect is the collaborative way we shine a light on every challenge.
So, a meeting of minds at The Lab might start with an anthropologist and a data analyst. It might come to the attention of a marketer and a sociologist. And then be put under the microscope by a behavioural economist and a semiotician.
No two skill sets are identical. We arrive at brilliance from every possible angle.
Diversity of expertise and intellect is the collaborative way we shine a light on every challenge.
So, a meeting of minds at The Lab might start with an anthropologist and a data analyst. It might come to the attention of a marketer and a sociologist. And then be put under the microscope by a behavioural economist and a semiotician.
No two skill sets are identical. We arrive at brilliance from every possible angle.
6 areas of brilliance
Brand & Communications
Innovation & NPD
Experience & Journey
Audience Discovery
Cultural Intelligence
Behavioural Science